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Cutremurele din California


8 Dec 2012
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S-au implinit 80 de ani de la cutremurul de la Long Beach din California (10 martie 1933), un eveniment care, desi nu a fost foarte puternic pentru potentialul seismic al Californiei (magnitudine 6,3), totusi prin complexitatea si gravitatea efectelor in zona epicentrala a generat numeroase studii realizate de seismologi si specialisti in constructii. Iata cateva informatii privind acest eveniment.

Many advances, but still unknowns in earthquake science
By Greg Mellen, Staff Writer
Posted: 03/09/2013


File photograph of the 1933 earthquake that struck the Long Beach and Compton Area.
LONG BEACH -- It has been 80 years since Long Beach was shaken almost literally to its core in the greatest single-day disaster ever witnessed in the city.

The great earthquake of 1933, estimated as a magnitude 6.4, killed 53 people in Long Beach out of 120 total fatalities across the region, destroyed or damaged 120 school buildings, devastated more than 1,800 homes and damaged tens of thousands more.

It led to landmark legislation enacted within 30 days -- the Field Act, named after Assemblyman Don C. Field, that has governed billions of dollars worth of planning, design and construction of public schools to make them more safe. That legislation led to further laws that have refined earthquake codes and building standards through the years that are still being developed and tweaked.

The Long Beach quake was also one of the early shakers to be monitored by motion sensing equipment in Vernon and Los Angeles, although it knocked the seismometer in Pasadena off its scale. Those early measurements gave scientists a true sense of the mechanics and effects of a hard shaking.

"It was really the beginning of the learning curve," said Thomas L. Holzer, engineering geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park.

The Long Beach quake was also pivotal in the career of Charles Richter and helped cement his dedication to early seismology.

And yet, 80 years later, earthquakes in many ways remain scientifically among the great
mysteries of the globe. In an era of stunning and exponential advancements in science, geophysics to some seems to move at the same glacial pace as the Earth it studies. Others say the advances have been profound, if not generally noticed.

Geologists and geophysicists still can't be sure exactly when, where, or in what magnitude quakes will strike. They cannot say which if any of the 10,000 small quakes measured each year in Southern California will trigger the cascade to "the big one."

They can't tell you with certainty, looking at two buildings side by side, which will ride out the shaker and which will collapse. Variables like soil and small architectural details can make all the difference.

Seismologists still can't account for all the "blind faults" that crisscross the region.

"A lot of faults are found because they cause quakes," said seismologist Susan Hough.

So confounding are quakes that the old wives' tales of "earthquake weather" and animal sensitivity persist and can't necessarily be discounted.

Holzer said because so much of what occurs with an earthquake happens beneath the surface at depths of 10 to 20 miles or deeper, scientists have a hard time understanding what is going on.

"It's difficult to see faults. We sort of have one hand tied behind our backs," he said. "If it erupts to the surface, we can see it and touch it. But for faults buried, it's hard to identify where it occurred."

Hough, who works for the US Geological Survey, said in some ways the complexity and variables in predicting weather and earthquakes are similar. The difference is one can observe cloud formations and movement that you can watch develop to make reasonable predictions about what will happen.

"Earthquakes are playing out deep underground, so it's complicated, and observations are limited," Hough said.

In an old geology joke, a geophysicist is asked what two times two equals, and the answer is, "How much do you want it to be?"

However, Hough will tell you the scientific advancements have been profound since the Long Beach quake and shouldn't be taken lightly.

"Seismology has completely transformed since then," she said. "There's been huge progress."

When the '33 quake happened, Charles Richter hadn't even published his famous eponymous scale.

Hough said the understanding of why quakes happen, their rates and predictions of magnitudes and types of shaking, the mapping of seismic hazard zones and the monitoring and precision of measurements has advanced significantly over the past century.

She also noted that in California, for example, seismological data has only been measured since 1932. And at that time, there was considerable debate about whether there were even active faults in Southern California.

The big riddle seismologists haven't been able to solve, the pi, if you will, of the science, has been the ability to accurately predict when major quakes will occur.

"In the '30s, (scientists) hoped if you could deploy enough monitors to determine patterns, but it has eluded us," Hough said. "People can get hung up on that."

What most often happens with earthquakes is that the learning happens after they hit.

The answers are usually the whys rather than the ifs.

The Long Beach quake was a shocking display of the inadequacy of unreinforced masonry. The Loma Prieta earthquake later showed the dangers of building on land-fill and mud. The Northridge quake of 1994 revealed the weakness of certain welds and brought into question the invincibility of steel in quakes.

"Each quake teaches us something," Holzer said.

And with each, new standards for construction and advances in understanding of infrastructure's abilities to withstand quakes are revealed.

The problem, according to Holzer, is that the infrequency of major quakes makes it easy for people to forget.

"The sun is out most days and we're not shaking," he said.

Meanwhile, the search for meaningful advance earthquake detection continues, with no certainty it will ever be found.

"Some scientists say it's impossible," said Hough, who calls herself an agnostic with regard to that question. "We really don't know what happens in the minutes and days before (an earthquake) happens. I don't think we can say (early prediction) can't happen. You never know what science will prove."
Although only moderate in terms of magnitude, this earthquake caused serious damage to weak masonry structures on land fill from Los Angeles south to Laguna Beach. Property damage was estimated at $40 million, and 115 people were killed.

Severe property damage occurred at Compton, Long Beach, and other towns in the area. Most of the spectacular damage was due to land fill, or deep water soaked alluvium or sand, and to badly designed buildings. Minor disturbances of ground water, secondary cracks in the ground, and slight earth slumps occurred, but surface faulting was not observed. Along the shore between Long Beach and Newport Beach, the settling or lateral movement of road fills across marshy land caused much damage to the concrete highway surfaces and to approaches to highway bridges.

At Compton, almost every building in a three block radius on unconsolidated material and land fill was destroyed. At Long Beach, buildings collapsed, houses were pushed from foundations, walls were knocked down, and tanks and chimneys fell through roofs. Damage to school buildings, which were among the structures most commonly and severely damaged by this earthquake, led to the State Legislature passing the Field Act, which now regulates building construction practices in California.

This destructive earthquake was associated with the Newport-Inglewood fault.

The earthquake was felt almost everywhere in the 10 southern counties of California and at some points farther to the northwest and north in the Coast Range, the San Joaquin Valley, the Sierra Nevada, and the Owens Valley. It also was reported in northern Baja California. A sharp foreshock occurred near Huntington Beach on March 9, and many aftershocks occurred through March 16. For several years, minor aftershocks continued to occur, most often centering near the two ends of the disturbed segment of the Newport-Inglewood fault.

Source: USGS

Monday morning's magnitude 4.7 earthquake in Riverside County was followed by more than 100 small aftershocks that radiated northeast, indicating that the quake occurred on a secondary fault of the San Jacinto fault, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The largest aftershock, a 3.2 quake, struck less than a minute after the first quake. The second, a 2.8 magnitude quake, occurred at 11:25 a.m. Another 2.8 quake occurred at 12:50 p.m. The vast majority of the aftershocks were largely imperceptible, with magnitudes smaller than 2.5. Valleys and other low elevation areas feel the effects most strongly, said Susan Hough, a USGS seismologist.

Southern California earthquake: More than 100 aftershocks

Earthquakes of a 4.7 magnitude are typically only felt about 120 miles away from the epicenter, but Monday morning's quake traveled farther, shaking coffee cups as far as Los Angeles.

That's because the quake occured in the San Jacinto Mountains, which are composed of hard granite rock that transmits energy more efficiently, Hough said.
Southern California earthquake points to danger of fault line

Falia San Jacinto


E o falie care pare a fi legata de San Andreas. O alta falie importanta este si falia Elsinore.
Continuam aici discutia despre faliile din California, pornind de la cutremurul de duminica din Napa Valley.
Iata o harta care prezinta epicentrele celor mai mari cutremure din California, corelate cu traseul faliei San Andreas cu diferitele segmente rupte.


Sursa: Surviving The Big One: Water supply recovery after Southern California Earthquake

Marele cutremur din 18 aprilie 1906 de la San Francisco, de magnitudine 7,8 grade, a rupt segmentul nordic al faliei San Andreas. La 9 ianuarie 1857, cutremurul de magnitudine 7,9 de la Fort Tejon a rupt o parte sudica a faliei, dar nu pe toata. Partea cea mai de la sud a faliei a fost rupta, se pare, de un cutremur de magnitudine estimata 7,7 produs in anul 1680.
In medie, marile cutremure revin pe un anume segment cam la 150 de ani sau chiar mai mult.
In aceeasi sursa, gasim o harta care include si epicentrele unor cutremure "mai mici" din California (de magnitudini sub 7,5-7,7):


Remarcam, in lungul faliei San Andreas, urmatoarele distributii ale epicentrelor de cutremure semnificative/majore:

-un cluster seismic in extremitatea nordica, pe la Eureka, iesirea in Oceanul Pacific;
-gruparea de epicentre de langa San Francisco, incluzand seismele puternice de pe San Andreas din 1906 (magnitudine 7,8) si 1989 (magnitudine 6,9), precum si cutremurul din 1868 de pe falia Hayward;
-pe jumatatea sudica a sistemului San Andreas se remarca seismele majore din 1857 (ultimul BIG ONE din California, cu magnitudinea estimata la 7,9-8,1), 1812, 1952 si 1992. Cutremurul din 21 iulie 1952 a avut magnitudinea 7,5-7,7 grade, dar a fost generat, se pare, pe o falie secundata, nu pe San Andreas. Totusi pare a fi fost cel mai mare cutremur produs in California dupa 1906. La 28 iunie 1992 s-a produs cutremurul de la Landers, de magnitudine 7,3.
O alta imagine interesanta cu diferite sectiuni rupte pe falia San Andreas:
