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Lucrari la server - intrerupere functionare


8 Dec 2012
Scor reacție
Am primit urmatorul mesaj de la firma de hosting:

Service Affecting Maintenance - All HOSTING Servers – October 10th, 11th, 12th

This affects our HOSTING clients only.

Dear Customers,

This coming weekend (Friday 10th - Sunday 12th October) we will be performing service affecting maintenance on all our HOSTING servers.

We recently signed for a private caged suite in AtlantaNAP and we will be migrating these servers from the shared colocation area into our new private area.

The move consists of a physical move of around 50 feet. We will be powering down the servers, walking them to the new location then powering them back on. As the server is being walked over, we will be switching our IP routing over to the new location. The entire process per server should not take longer than 5 minutes. Servers will be shutdown cleanly so FSCKs should not be required.

We will post the exact maintenance times when we have them, but we expect to perform the moves from 2am-5am EST on each of those evenings.

Once moved, the servers will be in our private, extra-secure area. All servers and network racks will be fed with dual HSRP network drops. This has also guaranteed us space for a lot of future servers.

Thank you for your understanding.

2am - 5am EST inseamna 10.00 - 13.00 ora Romaniei.
:D ma sabotati? am si probe ca nu vad dublu:whistling:
nu stiu de ce iti apare asa... mai este cineva care sa aiba problema asta?