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Risc seismic pentru un laborator de cercetari nucleare


8 Dec 2012
Scor reacție
Fortunately, New Mexico has low seismicity, but it only takes this one earthquake. \\"More than\\" \\"previously thought\\" implies that knowledge of the fault is not new. Classically amazing! In New Mexico, USA, a state with relatively low seismicity, the laboratory is built on a fault that could rupture causing a major earthquake! Let\'s hope ruptures of this fault have a very long recurrence interval. - Sandi

Federal experts believe that a major earthquake could trigger fires at Los Alamos National Laboratory, releasing radioactive materials and endangering lives. The rupture of a seismic fault that runs underneath the lab would shake the ground more than scientists previously thought, according to a new report (PDF). A natural disaster here would be bad news, since the lab, just west of Santa Fe, is the main plutonium factory in the United States, believed to hold thousands of pounds of plutonium for use in nuclear weapons (the actual amount is classified).

Please see article in Discover Magazine:
nici macar nu vreau sa ma gindesc la asa ceva... suna a scenariu de film SF
bine macar ca cetrala de la magurele e sigura :55: (oare?)
mai exista laboratorul de fizica atomica de acolo? din cate stiu fusese dezafectat. sau am inteles eu gresit?
nu magurele ci cernavoda am vrut sa zic :55:
La Magurele s-a cam inchis.
Au ramas Cernavoda si Pitesti-ul.
si feldioara :55:... si turnu severin :rolleyes:
:55: Really?
Ce avem la Feldioara? Dar la Turnu?
La Feldioara laboratoarele de prelucrare a minereului de uraniu de la noi din tara daca nu ma insel. La Turnu Severin nu stiu...
la turnu severin este uzina de apa grea :55:
La Feldioara laboratoarele de prelucrare a minereului de uraniu de la noi din tara daca nu ma insel. La Turnu Severin nu stiu...
Eu stiam ca la Pitesti.
la feldioara se prelucreaza minereul de uraniu pt centrala de la cernavoda, la pitesti e ceva legat de cercetare.
La Pitesti, pe langa cercetare, se fac pastilele pentru reactor.
Probabil la Feldioara sa se faca rafinare?
Imbogatire? Poate pentru cercetare, ca Cernavoda nu foloseste uraniu imbogatit.
Ma rog, tehnologia Candu nu foloseste asa ceva.