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vBulletin a dat-o-n bara. IPBoard e pe val


8 Dec 2012
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Totul a inceput cand MyBB pe care il foloseam pentru forum a inceput sa faca pe smecherul cu mine. Mesajele private nu se mai salvau in Sent, multe topicuri si mesaje erau disparute desi le gaseai doar cu Google si ti le arata numai in forma de low version... incercam sa fac login, imi spunea ca m-am autentificat si ma trimitea din nou la login... ce mai, chestii grave.

Schimbam softul, dar cu ce?

Am mai administrat IPBoard acum vreo 3 ani, cand era versiunea 2.2.5. Atunci era foarte prost, mergea prost, nu avea atatea optiuni, era greoi. Pe atunci, concurenta lui, vBulletin era in top, cel mai bun, toata lumea il folosea si il lauda (versiunea 3.2 de la vBulletin). Eu am fost super dezamagit de IPBoard si l-am abandonat la mai putin de jumatate de an cat ma chinuisem cu el.

Intre timp, la inceputul lui 2008, Jelsoft, compania care face vBulletin a fost vanduta unui concern fiindca nu mai reuseau sa reziste singuri. Dupa vanzarea companiei o mare parte din programatorii care faceau vBulletin si-au dat demisia, probabil nu le-au mai convenit conditiile sau au avut oferte mai bune. Cei de la vBulletin au anuntat ca vor lansa versiunea 4 la inceputul lui 2009. Nemaiavand insa programatori buni au tot intarziat si au tot amanat lansarea spre nemultumirea celor care cumparasera vBulletin si vroiau o versiune si mai buna. In septembrie au anuntat ca lanseaza versiunea 4 de Craciun si au tras tare in ultima luna ca sa iasa cu ea pe piata. Au modificat si sistemul de plata marind pretul destul de mult.

In tabara IPBoard-ului, Invision (firma producatoare) a lansat versiunea 3 in iulie 2009. De atunci au mai scos si niste mici update-uri la probleme care le scapasera inainte de lansare. De obicei asa se intampla, se lanseaza un program si cand mii de utilizatori incep sa-l foloseasca se descopera tot felul de probleme care se repara din mers. De-asta nu este bine sa iei ultima versiune de cum a aparut, in plus sunt plug-in-uri care se lanseaza mai tarziu fiindca sunt facute de alte firme sau de utilizatori obisnuiti, skin-uri la fel apar dupa ceva timp.

Eu m-am hotarat la un upgrade de vreo 2 saptamani fiindca incepuse sa dea erori grave vechiul forum. Nu stiam ce sa iau: vroiam sa iau vBulletin dar nu imi ajungeau banii, iar de IPBoard eram speriat ca avusesem cu cativa ani in urma experiente extrem de neplacute. Pana la urma am zis sa merg pe IPBoard, vBulletinul desi mai puternic se administra mult, mult mai greoi (asta si din cauza ca are sute de optiuni). Pe urma eram reticent sa iau o versiune abia lansata, care nu a avut timp sa scoata la suprafata greselile de programare. In plus, convertoarele care imi permiteau importul mesajelor si al userilor din vechiul forum in vBulletin nu fusesera inca lansate.

Zis si facut, cumpar IPBoard 3, il instalez si imi pica fatza: nu mai seamana sub nici o forma cu versiunea 2 pe care o aveam eu, totul complet refacut, plin de functii, administrare usoara desi mult mai avansata fata de ce avea, problemele cu care ma confruntasem eu - rezolvate. Ca sa vorbesc cu un prieten care toata viata administrase vBulletin si sa mi se planga ca versiunea 4 de la vBulletin este praf, prost programata, erori peste erori, i-au dat drumul pe piata fara sa fie gata, doar ca sa nu mai depaseasca deadline-ul iar pe forumul de la vBulletin toti se plang de problemele pe care le au. Mi-a povestit ca migreaza administratorii de vBulletin catre IPBoard intr-o veselie.

Deci a cam feshtelit-o vBulletinul. Au lansat Gold-ul 4.0 si acum toti userii le-au sarit in cap. Iata cam cum se prezinta situatia din ce spun cei care au cumparat Gold 4.0 si si-au spus parerea pe forumul de la vBulletin:

I am sure that had any of you JelSoft developers paid for something as incomplete and buggy as this software you would be asking for your money back.

How to I go about requesting my money back for your 4.0 license?

This has to be one of the wonkiest pieces of code I have seen yet. DO you guys have a Bar for Gold releases? Or was this so you could release on the date you stated?


It is an EPIC \"FAIL\" on delivering on the suite. The code almost appears to be a Frankenstein Attempt at integration. I can definitely work around some of the issues, any monkey could, but hey guess what.. I paid for it and expected something much better than the product I received.

vBulletin doesn't work with IE6. While we can't be backwards compatible forever, hence the reason their aren't many \"OMG IE5.5 doesn't work with vB!!\" threads, I cannot accept \"upgrade your browser\", as a reasonable response on these matters. I have over 100k visitors a month who are still actively using IE6, that's 100k visitors I don't want to close the door on. IE6 is the default browser of XP. XP comes pre-installed on many brand new netbooks that I could go out and buy from any large computer store tomorrow.

I am a total newbie to vB and I was unaware of the fact that I was buying software that is still in trial version with loads of bugs. For the price I payed (which may not be alot to some of you out there but is to me) I expected I was buying into a product that was well known, tested with no kinks!

I do not see the point in buying software and having to wait 6 months for the developers to sort the bugs.

So is there a possibility I can cancel my order and receive a full refund?

vB is becoming disappointing.

anyone who still miss the old jelsoft management and the original developers before the disaster came upon this company and bought it?
if vB4 was better looking (skin-wise, although the skin isn't horrible) and less buggy + the price remained the same along with the licensing, I'd have both of my sites running vBulletin still. Instead, i'm running IPB3 on them, and I'm glad that they are, after seeing what the so overly hyped vBulletin 4 turned out to be, just a new style and SEO \"friendly urls\", I'm glad I made the leap. Although i'm curious as to see what vB4 has to offer in the future, and maybe, MAYBE i'll switch back at a later date, but right now, vB4 doesn't deserve to even be called version 4.0.0, it's more like 3.9.

The new skin is a div soup instead of a table soup. What gives? And it doesn't follow any of the standards or widely followed guidelines, like real buttons for forms, links for links, and so on. There's no typography. You have no idea what's clickable and what not. Is the username a link? You actually need to click on it to find out.

I don't see any new features. It seriously looks like vB 3 with a new skin. SEO? Anyone who cares (not me anyway) will have used vBSEO. Asset Manager? vB isn't a social network or a file upload software.

And I bet the PHP code is still the mess it was before.

I'm very curious what gets released today. It took two years to get here?

Daca cei de la vBulletin nu reactioneaza rapid cred ca ar fi bine sa se pregateasca de faliment. Clientii lor sunt administratori cu experienta care au nevoie de un produs bun, cum au fost versiunile anterioare. Dezamagirea lor ii va costa pe cei de la vB destul de mult.
Si inca o treaba interesanta: pe forumul de la vBulletin, in 2 zile au aparut peste 400 de thread-uri in sectiunea de Suport Tehnic pentru a reclama probleme cu versiunea 4. Nice, nu?
Cea mai pertinenta analiza a situatiei, facuta acum vreo 3 saptamani inainte ca vB sa lanseze Gold:

In the past vBulletin always had the edge with their forum software over IPS, and that was their saving grace. But things have changed now, IPS not only have the more superior forum software out there today in IPB3, but all the other add-ons and services that vBulletin don't have as well. And they are continuing all the time to build on them further to weaken vBulletin's stance in the market place against them.

But the killer blow for vBulletin, is the fact the \"[color=\"Red\"]only thing they had over IPS[/color]\" (the forum software), has now been lost to them. Meaning vBulletin have nothing anymore better than IPS. That's the killer punch for vBulletin! And if they can't get that mantle back of having a superior board over IPS fast, quite frankly they're doomed! Because that's the only reason people have stayed faithful with using vBulletin (the forum software).

Honestly, I can foresee that in 1 to 2 years, things are going to get a lot worse for vBulletin as IPS continue to move ahead and offer better products to increase their lead over them. While Internet Brands struggle to try and keep pace with them by releasing inferior products that have too many issues like vBulletin 4 has right now because they're rushing things. You can bet your bottom dollar too, that IPS now know the KEY thing for them is to be seen as having the superior forum board software from now on. Because they know it's that which is taking away vBulletin customers today!

It's not really Internet Brands fault though, they inherited a company that had sat on it's arse for too many years, doing nothing inventive in failing to work on other new products wanted to match IPB by customers - like an official Gallery and CMS being asked for (for many years)! Unfortunately, Internet Brands are now paying the price after they purchased Jelsoft/vBulletin. For the previous development teams failure to deliver what their customers wanted for years! They relied way too heavily on the success of their vBulletin forum software over IPB's, to keep getting the continued on-going sales.

And you know what, they have no excuse either for not doing it. They've been leading the forum market for years, so they must have been raking in a small fortune. So why didn't they spend and invest some of that money back into hiring other new developers to increase their product range faster back then? Instead of just looking for new volunteer staff from vBulletin.org all the time for free, who they felt had decent coding skillz!!!

Right now were looking at vBulletin 4 RC3, and people are reporting the CMS is totally unusable still. I mean this has to be some kind of late April fools joke yeah? And were looking at it going Gold in a week from now with it.

Well, I can't wait to see the posts made on vBulletin after it does go Gold in 5-7 days, they're going to get slaughtered!!! Because most people already know in the back of their minds - that there are way too many issues right now to expect a good GOLD product in just 5-7 days. And it's going to be a case of (I told you so) in replies.
Tu acum vrei sa-si scoata ochii admina lui istrate? :p
bogdan a spus:
Tu acum vrei sa-si scoata ochii admina lui istrate? :p

a, nu. n-o sa-si scoata ochii =)) el traieste in continuare visul ca vBulletin e cel mai perfect produs al omenirii
In aceasta noapte am avut 534 de utilizatori concurenti pe site. Daca am fi avut atatia vizitatori cand foloseam MyBB ar fi fost mari probleme. Cand aveam MyBB si au venit mai multi vizitatori simultan a crapat serverul imediat. Acum, cu IPB nu am avut nici o problema cu peste 500. De ce? Nu stiu exact, probabil ca IPB are un cache mai inteligent facut. Cert este ca nu am avut nici un timeout, nu am primit nici un fel de eroare ca s-ar fi intamplat ceva cu serverul.
Bogdane, ca tot ziceai tu de adminu' lu' Istrate, uite-te si tu, pana si bannerele publicitare de la Google ii arata calea cea buna... dar el nu si nu, batman, batman! :p
