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Activitatea solara

[attachment=4466:200908/post_1636_1249451867_2946308ad387c84909de6dd1db1fe123.attach]5 aug 2009 / 8:55 EEST


LASCO C2 = http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi...&NumImg=30&Types=instrument=LASCO:detector=C2

LASCO C3 = http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi...&NumImg=30&Types=instrument=LASCO:detector=C3

Images: LASCO C2 (left). LASCO C3 (right).

LASCO (Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph) is able to take images of the solar corona by blocking the light coming directly from the Sun with an occulter disk, creating an artificial eclipse within the instrument itself. The position of the solar disk is indicated in the images by the white circle. The most prominent feature of the corona are usually the coronal streamers, those nearly radial bands that can be seen both in C2 and C3. Occasionally, a coronal mass ejection can be seen being expelled away from the Sun and crossing the fields of view of both coronagraphs. The shadow crossing from the lower left corner to the center of the image is the support for the occulter disk.

C2 images show the inner solar corona up to 8.4 million kilometers (5.25 million miles) away from the Sun.

C3 images have a larger field of view: They encompass 32 diameters of the Sun. To put this in perspective, the diameter of the images is 45 million kilometers (about 30 million miles) at the distance of the Sun, or half of the diameter of the orbit of Mercury. Many bright stars can be seen behind the Sun.

6 aug 2009 / 9:45 EEST

\"05:45 UT: SOHO is not in contact.\"
\"09:50 UT: SOHO is in contact.\"

NOAA Space Weather Scales

NOAA Space Weather Scale for Geomagnetic Storms
[attachment=4510:200908/post_1636_1249555536_5a155c62ebfe881ad25135fb6f069b08.attach] Now Kp=4
Level \"G 1\" = Minor, if Kp = 5
Power systems: weak power grid fluctuations can occur.

Spacecraft operations: minor impact on satellite operations possible.

Other systems: migratory animals are affected at this and higher levels; aurora is commonly visible at high latitudes (northern Michigan and Maine)**.

1700 per cycle (900 days)


7 aug 2009 / 7:40 EEST



7 aug 2009 / 7:45 EEST

[attachment=4535:200908/post_1636_1249620890_9a9aeaaf91b025d31afacdd5b22e79e7.attach] UPS! au si ei probleme.


10 aug 2009 / 8:40 EEST



11 aug 2009 / 8:20 EEST



12 aug 2009 / 7:20 EEST




14 aug 2009 / 7:30 EEST








14 aug 2009 7:30 EEST - FLUX DE RADIATII[attachment=4909:200908/post_1636_1250226984_2ccf3ebfcd1636d4a263c14a37b80bd0.attach]


NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center -ray flux monitor.
http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/rt_plots/xray_1m.html / 1 min. diagram
http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/rt_plots/xray_5m.html / 5 min. diagram

Buna. Mi se pare foarte interesant subiectul abordat de voi :harhar: si mi-am permis sa adaug si eu 2 aspecte ,,interesante\" de la NEO, respectiv SOHO.

On August 16, 2009 there were 1067 potentially hazardous asteroids.

August 2009 Earth-asteroid encounters: Aug. 17 ; 2000 LC16 ; 2.0km


A solar wind stream flowing from the indicated coronal hole should reach Earth on or about Aug. 18th. Credit: SOHO Extreme UV Telescope

7 sep 2009


Diagrame radiatii:


9 sep 2009


[attachment=5531:200909/post_1636_1252480391_20b97439a40eeca905cfff5b3c1ee3e8.attach][attachment=5532:200909/post_1636_1252480404_20c8bf9289c32aa14f9e6cd971e48ca6.attach] http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime-images.html

Current Solar Data (from NOAA)
[attachment=5533:200909/post_1636_1252480770_b9f016d0c99ec03e44d85bd47d40fcdb.attach] http://www.n3kl.org/sun/noaa.html

NOAA Space Weather Scales - interesant de citit!


[attachment=5535:200909/post_1636_1252485169_cdb943c7927000041d67a458a9d1bd33.attach][attachment=5534:200909/post_1636_1252484675_11c44186ff70519917af35088ff1553c.attach] http://www.spaceweather.com/

Multe detalii referitoare la subiect.


[attachment=5601:200909/post_1636_1252647992_75afcfa86762ee0d0727a57b8c642a73.attach]Evolutia petei solare /8; 9; 10 sep 2009


SPACE WEATHER.COM report date: 11 sep 2009

A solar wind stream flowing from the indicated coronal hole should reach Earth on or about Sept. 13th.

[attachment=5602:200909/post_1636_1252649852_49f2327c3f1894bf465ec346eb8267c6.attach] Credit: SOHO Extreme UV
http://www.spaceweather.com/ click now!


14 sep 2009 / 9:00


[attachment=5677:200909/post_1636_1252908444_bea9e3e81ac1ffe197cf140b1c2a220f.attach] Credit: SOHO Extreme UV
[attachment=5678:200909/post_1636_1252908687_83b08fc694245f0338e489cd2986d2d9.attach]A solar wind stream flowing from the indicated coronal hole could reach Earth as early as Sept. 16th.



[attachment=5729:200909/post_1636_1253078931_65d6226c1da60d6afac177e158c56037.attach][attachment=5729:200909/post_1636_1253078931_65d6226c1da60d6afac177e158c56037.attach]15/16 sep 2009 / 9:30 EEST

[attachment=5730:200909/post_1636_1253079136_4d0d8a5bc99a279c3febcbf2db3b13d3.attach]Credit: SOHO Extreme UV
[attachment=5729:200909/post_1636_1253078931_65d6226c1da60d6afac177e158c56037.attach]A solar wind stream flowing from the indicated coronal hole could reach Earth as early as Sept. 17th.

A big sunspot appears to be growing on the far side of the sun. Yesterday, the National Solar Observatory\'s GONG network detected helioseismic echoes from the sunspot\'s gathering magnetic field. Today, NASA\'s STEREO-B spacecraft is beaming back images of an active region peeking over the sun\'s far-eastern limb--exactly where GONG data predicted it would be:

- Irene Gonzalez-Hernandez, a solar physicist working on the GONG project, says \"I believe this is a large active region belonging to new Solar Cycle 24. The sun\'s rotation should turn it toward Earth for direct viewing on Sept. 20th.\"


The Very Latest SOHO Images
