Meteoritul care a explodat/cazut la 15 februarie la Celeabinsk, Rusia, provine cu certudine dintr-un mic asteroid venit din centura de asteroizi dintre Marte si Jupiter.
Noi informatii privind meteoritul Celeabinsk-Sursa
Primele concluzii bazate pe studiul traiectoriei corpului arata ca obiectul apartine unei grupari bine cunoscute de asteroizi situati intre Marte si Jupiter, grupare numita Apollo.
Asadar, a fost vorba despre un mic asteroid din grupul Apollo, care a venit pe neasteptate spre Pamant.
'Using evidence gathered by one camera at the Revolution Square in the city of Chelyabinsk
and other videos recorded by witnesses in the close city of Korkino, we calculate the trajectory of the body in the atmosphere and use it to reconstruct the orbit in space of the meteoroid previous to the violent encounter with our planet,' said Jorge Zuluaga and Ignacio Ferrin, from the University of Antioquia in Medellin.
Ice hole: Experts said the meteor that left a 50-foot hole in a frozen lake on the outskirts of Chelyabinsk, in the Urals, weighed around 100,000 tonnes and measured 55 feet in diameter
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In February 15 2013 a medium-sized meteoroid impacted the atmosphere in the region of
Chelyabinsk, Russia,' the team wrote.
'After its entrance to the atmosphere and after travel by several hundred of kilometers the body exploded in a powerful event responsible for physical damages and injured people spread over a region enclosing several large cities.
'We present in this letter the results of a preliminary reconstruction of the orbit of the Chelyabinsk meteoroid.'
Once they had discovered its trajectory, the researchers put their figures into astronomy software developed by the US Naval Observatory.
The results suggest the meteor belongs to a well known family of space rocks known as Apollo.
Of about 9,700 near-Earth asteroids discovered so far, about 5,200 are thought to be Apollos.
The Apollo asteroids are a class of asteroids with Earth-crossing orbits.
The first Apollo asteroid was discovered in 1918 by Max Wolf observing from Heidelberg, German
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Asterozii sunt grupati in mai multe categorii: Apollo, Aten, Amor, in functie de tipul orbitelor. Dr. Stephen Lowry, de la Universitatea din Kent, apreciaza ca obiectul cazut in Rusia provine aproape cu certitudine din grupul asteroizilor Apollo, cu orbita elipica prezentand o inclinare scazuta.