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Alin Todor

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8 Dec 2012
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13 ianuarie 2011

Thilo Bubek
Kattfjordeide near Tromsø
Even if strong aurora were forecasted for tomorrow, also today strong auroras showed up already in the late afternoon. The whole evening was a perfect show with strong auroras in many colours. Together with some clouds and moonlight we could capture fantastic images.


13 ianuarie 2011
by Fredrik Broms

Kvaløya, Norway
What a month January has been! The beauty of the Arctic is still in full swing. After a peak in activity on Jan 7/8, strong auroras have been observed during each night for a full week now, beginning after nightfall and going on for most of the night until early morning. "The aurora week" saved it`s nicest display until the last day: tonight the sky exploded in green and purple bands and curtains - the strong Moon-light only added to the beauty. Here is a shot of a very happy aurora watcher in the Norwegian mountains. Nikon D3, AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8, 2-13 secs, ISO 1000





by Chad Blakley

Abisko National Park, Sweden
I was stepping outside to walk my old black lab when I heard a friend yell “ norrsken” which is Swedish for Aurora. I ran inside and drove to the first dark place I could find. The lights danced and played for about two hours. Another great night of northern lights here in Abisko!! I guess I owe these shots to the dog. Shot with a Nikon D7000, Tokina 11-16 2.8, 600 ISO and 20 second exposures.




by Bjarki Mikkelsen

Lapland, Sweden, Porjus
It is first time in my life i have seen Aurora so bright and clear. This night 25-1-2011 was Amazing. 25 min. of a light show in dancing green storm af Aurora. I have been in Lapland in a little Arctic village in Northern Sweden for 7 month now. And this was so great to watch, in this peace. It realy looks like fire rain and in my mind it was like i could hear a strang sound from the Northernlights. I have decidet to stay here. to get another chance again. Olympus camera. E-420 Bjarki Mikkelsen.










by Kjetil Skogli

Troms Norway
The weather conditions was not good at all when we left to chase for the lights. The activity and the predictions didn´t look so good either, so the expectations was rather low. First we found clear skies and there it was, two wide bands straight overhead and we didnt have to wait at all. The show was on for 1,5 hour with a great corona and a lot of curtains, rays and movements. Canon EOS 5D mkII , EF24mm/f1.4.





Am arhivat pagina cu postarea pe care o incerc, daca reusiti, sa-mi spunetic care este problema

[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]ACTIVE AURORAS: [/font]Solar wind buffeting Earth's magnetic field is sparking bright Valentine's auroras around the Arctic Circle.

Image taken:
Feb. 14, 2011

Øystein Lunde Ingvaldsen

Bø in Vesterålen, North of Norway
We had a short blast over Bø in Vesterålen, North of Norway. Photographed with Nikon D700 and Nikon 14-24.


[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]CME SPARKS AURORAS: [/font]One and possibly two CMEs hit Earth during the early hours of Feb. 18th, creating a gusty solar wind environment around our planet and fueling a minor G1-class geomagnetic storm. During the storm-peak, auroras were visible over Canada despite interference from the full moon:


"The auroras were very colorful," reports photographer Sylvain Serre from Salluit, an Inuit village in Nunavik, Canada. "It was worth going out in the cold weather (-30 C) to see the show."

Although the storm has subsided, it could flare up again as the solar wind continues to swirl around Earth. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras.


[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]WEEKEND AURORAS: [/font]On Saturday night, Feb. 19th, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) near Earth tipped south. This opened a crack in Earth's magnetosphere; solar wind poured in and fueled a display of Northern Lights around the Arctic Circle:


"It was a truly wonderful night," says photographer Andy Keen of Inari, FInland. "We were out until 2am taking pictures of auroras dancing over the moonlit landscape." Readers, would you like to see scenes like this with your own eyes? Keen is willing to take you on an aurora tour.

[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]NORTHERN LIGHTS: [/font]Blowing at 450 km/s, an unexpected solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field during the late hours of Feb. 21st. The impact did not spark a strong geomagnetic storm, but auroras appeared around the Arctic Circle anyway. Helge Mortensen sends this picture from Ersfjordbotn, just outside Tromsø, Norway:



More pictures




[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]MAGNETIC STORM IN PROGRESS: [/font]A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field during the early hours of March 1st, sparking a G2-class geomagnetic storm, in progress. High latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Michael F. Jones sends this picture from Chugach State Park near Anchorage, Alaska:


Photo details: Nikon D3, 800 ASA, 30s exposure

The show began around 1:00 am Alaska time," says Jones. "Then the Northern Lights really lit up the sky for about an hour."

[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]AURORA WATCH: [/font]A high-speed solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field and lighting up the Arctic Circle with auroras. Last night in the Finnish town of Salla, B.Art Braafhart pulled over for a snapshot:

B.Art Braafhart
Image taken:
Mar. 3, 2011
Salla, Finnish-Lapland
The evening started with some colouring, not too exciting. However, later on the flames were for a moment so intens that the picture of that moment was totally overexposed! After that dancing lights with all kind of appearances like curtains, screws, omegas, rays; only the corona was missing. It was an evening not too forget! Fujifilm Finepix S100FS, f2.8, ISO 400, 13-30 sec.


[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]CME IMPACT: [/font]A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field on March 10th around 0630 UT. Solar wind conditions, post-impact, are favorable for geomagnetic activity. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.





[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]AURORAS INVADE THE USA: [/font]Earth's magnetic field is still reverberating from a CME strike on March 10th. During the past 24 hours, Northern Lights have descended as far south as Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan in the United States. "It was nice to see the aurora borealis again after so many years of low activity," says Jerry Zhu, who sends this picture from Madison, WI:


Solar wind conditions favor more geomagnetic storming in the hours ahead. Sky watchers--even those in the continental United States--should remain alert for auroras.

More pictures from USA



[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]SUBSIDING STORMS: [/font]The geomagnetic storms of March 10th and 11th are subsiding. Earth's magnetic field began shaking on March 10th in response to a CME impact; the reverberations continued for more than 24 hours. In Sweden the auroras were so bright, they competed with campfires:


"When I was sitting next to the fire and had the Aurora dancing above me, I felt like it could have been 100 years ago," says photographer Peter Rosén in Sweden's Abisko National Park. "I wonder what people thought when they saw this phenomena in centuries past. Old stories say that the Sami people believed the Aurora was home for the spirits of the dead, and that we should show respect when the lights appeared."

They could appear again, soon. A solar wind stream is heading for Earth, due to arrive on March 12th or 13th. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% chance of geomagnetic activity during the next 24 hours.


[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]HIGH-LATITUDE AURORA ALERT: [/font]Earth is entering a stream of solar wind blowing ~500 km/s, and the encounter is stirring up geomagnetic activity around the Arctic Circle. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Photographer Antony Spencer reports "an amazing display" over Enontekio, Finland, on March 22-23:


"I was leading a group of photographers who have come over from the U.K and we decided to drive inland from Tromsø to beat the clouds," says Spencer. "The display we witnessed was absolutely incredible. I have never seen this much color in the aurora before."

Imagini din data de 29 martie 2011 din Norvegia, Kvaløya
autor Fredrik Broms




Alin am o nedumerire. Inteleg ca in martie anul asta s-a vazut aurora pana la New York. Din cate stiu eu aurora este declansata de o furtuna magnetica solara care poate perturba campul magnetic al Terrei. Pana la aurora asta/furtuna asta magnetica, eu stiam de o furtuna magnetica ce prin anii '80 parca a perturbat grav Canada, in sensul ca au ramas fara curent electric samd.

Pls, poti sa ma lamuresti si pe mine de ce in Martie 2011 nu s-a perturbat nimic, ci inteleg ca a fost doar o priveliste deosebita pe cerul New York-ului.
Aschiuta link a spus:
Alin am o nedumerire. Inteleg ca in martie anul asta s-a vazut aurora pana la New York. Din cate stiu eu aurora este declansata de o furtuna magnetica solara care poate perturba campul magnetic al Terrei. Pana la aurora asta/furtuna asta magnetica, eu stiam de o furtuna magnetica ce prin anii '80 parca a perturbat grav Canada, in sensul ca au ramas fara curent electric samd.

Pls, poti sa ma lamuresti si pe mine de ce in Martie 2011 nu s-a perturbat nimic, ci inteleg ca a fost doar o priveliste deosebita pe cerul New York-ului.

Aurorele si furtunile geomagnetice sunt fenomene deosebire, chiar daca provin de la Soare.
Aurorele sunt provocate de particulele incarcate electric (radiatiile) din vantul solar. In functie de intensitatea (viteza) acestui vant solar, aceste particole pot penetra nu numai la poli, ci pot cobori si spre latitudini mai joase. Incontact cu diversele molecule de aer, se produc fenomele luminoase specifice.

Penele de curent (blackout) sunt rezultatul unor furtuni geomagnetice. Acesta apar ca urmare a unor furuni geosolare, mai precis a CME (eruptie coronariana de masa), cand cantitati imense de materie solara incarcata electric si magnetic sunt aruncate in spatiu, cu viteze foarte mari. Aceste CME au un camp magnetic propriu. Daca ace orientare nordica (aceiasi ca si campul magnetic terestru), particulele sunt respinse de magnetisfera terestra, si raman doar aurore. Daca CME are polaritate sudica, magnetosfera nu le mai respinge, este deformata de capul magnetic al CME, apar "valuri" in magnetosfera care pot induce supratensiuni in retelele eectrice si in echipamentele electronice, producand penele de curent. Pentru a se produce o "blackout" deci trebuie sa aiba loc o CME de polaritate sudica, de mare intensitate, orientata direct pre Terra. Polaritatea (sudica sau nordica) nu se poate determina decat in momentul in care CME atinge satelitul Ace (cam cu maxim o ora inainte de impact).

Pe site-ul Noaa sunt date valorile campuilui magnetic interplanetar si polaritatile iar aici poti gasi in timp real inregistrarile satelitului Ace.
Ca si concluzie, anul acesta am avut o furtuna geosolara, dar de polaritate nordica, intensa e adevarat, care a produs aurore la latitudini mai mici. In Canada a fost vorba despre polaritate sudica, iar fluctuatiile in campul magnetic terestru datorita CME, au indus supratensiunile care au provocat pana de curent.