ii multumesc domnului Andrei Apostol pentru informare
in cazul in care va aflati in perioada 13-15 Aprilie in Memphis, Tennessee, poate vreti sa participati la sesiunea anuala a Societatii Americane de Seismologie
Din partea INFP va fi prezentata comunicarea: Episodic and Complex Behavior of Faulting and Seismicity in Continental Intraplate Regions - Implications for Seismic Hazard Maps Crustal Faults and Their Relationship To the Intermediate-Depth Seismic Activity in Vrancea, Romania
IONESCU, C., National Institute for Earth Physics, Bucharest, Romania,
[email protected]; MOLDOVAN, I. A., National Institute for Earth Physics, Bucharest, Romania,
[email protected]; MOLDOVAN, A., AZEL Designing Group Ltd, Bucharest, Romania,
[email protected]; APOSTOL, A., Center for Bioseismology, Elmhurst, NY,
[email protected]
The Vrancea seismically active region of Romania, situated far-from active plate boundaries, is characterized by small-large intermediate-depth earthquakes and small-moderate normal ones. The intermediate-depth earthquakes can be destructive when larger than magnitude 7. A bio-location method was used trying to map crustal faults and to indicate stress variations before and after intermediate-depth earthquakes. The bio-location indications can be explained by the magnetotelluric birefringence and resistivity anisotropy variations around crustal faults. Bio-location data obtained across two perpendicular crustal faults at Plostina, Vrancea, Romania, indicate a possible stress transfer from faults situated at intermediate-depth to faults situated in the Earth's crust, before and after intermediate-depth earthquakes larger than magnitude 3.
Thursday, April 14th / 2:15 PM Oral / Ballroom C