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Astazi in istoria seismica globala

Cutremurul major de la Salmas din nord-vestul Iranului, 6 mai 1930. Un cutremur devastator care, din pacate, a cam "deschis o poarta" pentru ce urma sa se intample si la noi in anul 1940, fireste nu inainte de marele cutremur de la Erzincan din 26 decembrie 1939:

[WorldEarthquakes] M 7.2 Dilman, IRAN, 1930

One of the world's deadliest earthquakes. Over 2,500 dead. About 60 villages destroyed in the Salmas Plain and surrounding mountains. The town of Dilman (population 18,000) was completely destroyed, but there were only 1,100 deaths because a magnitude 5.4 foreshock had occurred at 07:03 UTC. Although the foreshock killed 25 people, it probably saved thousands of lives since many people chose to sleep outdoors that night. Faulting was observed on the Salmas and Derik Faults, with the maximum offsets 5 m (16 ft) vertically and 4 m (13 ft) horizontally on the Salmas Fault. Dilman was rebuilt west of the ruins and named Shahpur, now Salmas.
Revenim la cutremurul din zona Salmas, nord-vestul Iranului, aproape de granita cu Turcia. Seismul din 6 mai 1930 a venit la cativa ani dupa marea decrosare din 1928 de pe Ninety Ridge (Oceanul Indian) si poate fi considerat o "caramida" pe calea a ceea ce avea sa urmeaze de-a lungul anilor '30-'40 pana la marele cutremur vrancean din 10 noiembrie 1940. De notat ca a venit inainte de reactivarea faliei Chaman la 31 mai 1935 si de marele cutremur din Nepal-Bihar de la 15 ianuarie 1934. Cutremurul din zona Salmas ramane un eveniment semnificativ pentru istoria seismica a Iranului si chiar la nivel global.
Alte informatii sintetice despre cutremurul de la Salmas din 6 mai 1930:

The 1930 Salmas earthquake occurred on May 6 at 22:34:26 UTC in West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. The earthquake measured 7.1 on the moment magnitude scale and had a maximum Mercalli Intensity of X (Extreme). A damaging foreshock occurred fifteen hours prior to the main event and served as a warning to the villages that felt it strongly. According to different sources, up to 3,000 fatalities may have occurred in western Iran and eastern Turkey. Sixty villages (including the large settlement of Dilman, which was relocated and rebuilt as Salmas) were destroyed in the Salmas Plain and in the surrounding mountainous regions. A destructive aftershock sequence affected some villages again, and in some cases, inflicted damage on some that had escaped injury during the mainshock. An inspection of the region was undertaken, but not until decades later, at which time substantial surface faulting and other ground effects were documented.
Cutremurul de la 6 mai 1976, Italia, zona Friuli

The 1976 Friuli earthquake, also known in Italy as Terremoto del Friuli (Friulian earthquake), took place in the Friuli region in northeast Italy on Thursday, May 6, 1976. The quake was centered on the town of Gemona del Friuli, measured 6.5 on the surface wave magnitude scale, and killed 939 people, injured 2400, and left 157,000 homeless.
12 mai 2008, marele cutremur din China, provincia Sichuan, Mw 7,9.

[email protected]

The Sichuan earthquake of 12 May 2008, 06:28:01.58 UTC, occurred as the result of motion on a NE striking reverse fault or thrust fault on the northwestern margin of the Sichuan Basin. The earthquake's epicenter (30.969, 103.186) and focal-mechanism at a depth of 16 km are consistent with it having occurred as the result of movement on the Longmenshan fault or a tectonically related fault. The quake reflects tectonic stresses resulting from the convergence of crustal material slowly moving from the high Tibetan Plateau, on the west, eastward against strong crust underlying the Sichuan Basin and southeastern China. About 1.5 km of surface faulting was observed near Qingchuan, and surface cracks and fractures occurred on 3 mountains in the area; and subsidence and street cracks were observed in the city. Maximum intensity XI was assigned in the Wenchuan area. Beichuan, Dujiangyan, Wuolong and Yingxiu were almost completely destroyed. There were at least 69,195 documented fatalities, 374,177 injured and 18,392 missing and presumed dead in the Chengdu-Lixian-Guangyuan area. The quake is reported to have killed 5,335 students (reported earlier as 19,065 confirmed dead) and left another 546 children disabled. At least 15 million people were evacuated from their homes and more than 5 million were left homeless. At least 45.5 million people in 10 provinces and regions were affected, and about 5.36 million buildings collapsed and 21 million buildings were damaged. The total economic loss was estimated at 86 billion (US dollars). At least 700 were buried by a landslide at Qingchuan. Landslides dammed several rivers, creating 34 barrier lakes which threatened about 700,000 people downstream. A train was buried by a landslide near Longnan, Gansu. At least 2,473 dams sustained some damage and more than 53,000 km of roads and 48,000 km of tap water pipelines were damaged.
Cutremurul de la Adana, sud-estul Turciei, 27 iunie 1998

M6.3 - Turkey, 1998
At least 145 people killed and more than 1,500 injured in the Adana and Ceyhan areas. At least 6 major buildings collapsed and about 17,000 houses destroyed in Adana Province. Felt in Cyprus, Israel and Syria. Complex earthquake, with at least one larger event occurring about 2.5 seconds after the onset.

La 26 iulie 1963, capitala Macedoniei, Skopje, a fost distrusa de un cutremur superficial cu magnitudinea de 5,8-6,1 grade.

1963 Skopje earthquake


Thousands of people are feared dead after a massive earthquake rocked the Yugoslav city of Skopje.

The first quake occurred in the Macedonian capital at about 0500 and lasted for 20 seconds.

Tremors from the earthquake were felt some 90 miles along the Vardar valley.

More than 100,000 people were made homeless immediately as three-quarters of the city's buildings were damaged or destroyed.

The 1963 earthquake was the second to hit the city of Skopje - chroniclers have noted that the city was completely destroyed by an earthquake in 518 A.D.

The 1963 earthquake damaged or completely destroyed about 80% of the city's buildings and killed more than 1,000 people.

S-a spus despre acest cutremur ca ar fi fost provocat de caderea tavanelor unor pesteri. Nu cred asa ceva, avand in vedere magnitudinea seismului. Cutremurele non-tectonice de prabusire au magnitudini mici, de cel mult 3-4 grade. Este insa posibil ca structura carstica a zonei, coroborata cu adancimea mica a focarului, sa fi amplificat anumite efecte ale miscarii seismice asupra constructiilor. Se pare ca orasul a mai fost distrus in antichitate de un alt cutremur important produs in anul 518. De altfel, in prezent vedem mereu mici cutremure in Macedonia, inclusiv pe langa Skopje, ceea ce demonstreaza caracterul seismic activ al regiunii.
[WorldEarthquakes] Mw 7.6 PAKISTAN 08 Oct 2005, Thursday, 08 October 2015

2005 A major earthquake occurred about 95 km (60 miles) north-northeast of Islamabad, Pakistan At least 86,000 people killed, more than 69,000 injured and extensive damage in northern Pakistan. The heaviest damage occurred in the Muzaffarabad area, Kashmir where entire villages were destroyed and at Uri where 80 percent of the town was destroyed. At least 32,335 buildings collapsed in Anantnag, Baramula, Jammu and Srinagar, Kashmir. Buildings collapsed in Abbottabad, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Islamabad, Lahore and Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Maximum intensity VIII. Felt (VII) at Topi; (VI) at Islamabad, Peshawar and Rawalpindi; (V) at Faisalabad and Lahore. Felt at Chakwal, Jhang, Sargodha and as far as Quetta. At least 1,350 people killed and 6,266 injured in India. Felt (V) at Chandigarh and New Delhi; (IV) at Delhi and Gurgaon, India. Felt in Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh, India. At least one person killed and some buildings collapsed in Afghanistan. Felt (IV) at Kabul and (III) at Bagrami, Afghanistan. An estimated 4 million people in the area left homeless prior to winter. Landslides and rockfalls damaged or destroyed several mountain roads and highways cutting off access to the region for several days. Landslides occurred farther north near the towns of Gilgit and Skardu, Kashmir. Liquefaction and sandblows occurred in the western part of Vale of Kashmir and near Jammu. Landslides and rockfalls also occurred in parts of Himachal Pradesh, India. Seiches were observed in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, India and many places in Bangladesh.


The 2005 Kashmir earthquake occurred at 08:50:39 Pakistan Standard Time on 8 October in the Azad Kashmir region of Pakistan. It was centered in Pakistan-administered Kashmir , near the city of Muzaffarabad, and it also affected Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and Indian administered Kashmir. It registered a moment magnitude of 7.6 and had a maximum Mercalli Intensity of VIII (Severe). The earthquake also affected countries in the surrounding region where tremors were felt in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and western China. The severity of the damage caused by the earthquake is attributed to severe upthrust.

Kashmir Earthquake:
The Mw7.6 Kashmir 8 October 2005 earthquake occurred in a region where a great plate-boundary earthquake has long been considered overdue. Although the earthquake resulted in widespread devastation, it is doubful that it has released more than one tenth of the cumulative elastic energy that has developed since the previous great earthquake in the region in 1555 or earlier. This overview places the earthquake in a historical and structural context.

The figures below, published in May 2001 and in May 2005 respectively, illustrate the slip potential developed along the arc (left: red=certain, pink=possible) and the possible size and locations of earthquakes in these regions based on recent findings (right). The area of each yellow region is proportional to estimates of potential elastic energy to be released (Bilham and Wallace, 2005). The Kashmir earthquake overlapped the extreme left-hand rectangle.


Corelarea cu zona rupta in 1555 ?


Secventierea temporala a mailor cutremure himalayene:


Corelarea cu dinamica placii Indiene, alte cutremure mari legate direct sau indirect de aceasta:

Anul asta a crapat Nepalul, evident.
Astazi, 10 noiembrie 2015, se implinesc 75 de ani de la cutremurul vrancean din 1940. Putini sunt cei care mai traiesc ca sa dea marturie directa. Acest cutremur s-a resimtit in Moldova, Transilvania si Subcarpatii de curbura la o intensitate superioara celui din 1977, iar in Bucuresti la una inferioara.

Totusi, a ramas de neuitat tragedia Blocului Carlton, care era fara exagerare cea mai moderna si mai frumoasa piesa din tot ansamblul arhitectonic cubist al axei nord-sud, poate chiar dintre toate blocurile de la acea vreme din Romania - opera a reputatului arhitect G. M. Cantacuzino. Tot atunci, foarte multe alte blocuri au fost avariate grav. Neprimind la timp nici o consolidare corespunzatoare (in ciuda avertizarilor specialistilor in domeniu), acestea s-au aflat in primul val de prabusiri din 1977. Altele au scapat "ca prin urechile acului" si inca sunt in picioare. Romanii au memoria scurta, mai ales cei ce reprezinta Statul. Nu demult remarcam pe o strada bucuresteana un bloc interbelic la care un locatar a dat gaura prin grinda de rezistenta ca sa scoata deflectorul unei centrale termice de apartament... La blocurile mai noi, situatii de acest fel sunt cu miile, in intreaga tara.

Un documentar sumar:

In urma cu 35 de ani, la 23 noiembrie 1980 s-a produs un cutremur mare in sudul Italiei, zona Neapole-Irpinia-Avellino. Seismul, de magnitudine 6,9-7,2 grade, a cauzat importante pagube in zona, numeroase victime si a trezit teama privind o iminenta eruptie exploziva a Vezuviului, fenomen care, din fericire, nu s-a intamplat pana acum.

Mai multe detalii privind seismul din 1980:



La 16 decembrie 1920 a avut loc un cutremur catastrofal in China, provincia Gansu (Mw 7,8), eveniment care a declansat si alunecari de teren masive.

The "Gansu" earthquake caused 200,000 deaths. It caused total destruction (XII - the maximum intensity on the Mercalli scale) in the Lijunbu-Haiyuan-Ganyanchi area. Over 73,000 people were killed in Haiyuan County. A landslide buried the village of Sujiahe in Xiji County. More than 30,000 people were killed in Guyuan County. Nearly all the houses collapsed in the cities of Longde and Huining. Damage (VI-X) occurred in 7 provinces and regions, including the major cities of Lanzhou, Taiyuan, Xi'an, Xining and Yinchuan. It was felt from the Yellow Sea to Qinghai (Tsinghai) Province and from Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia) south to central Sichuan (Szechwan) Province. About 200 km (125 mi) of surface faulting was seen from Lijunbu through Ganyanchi to Jingtai. There were large numbers of landslides and ground cracks throughout the epicentral area. Some rivers were dammed, others changed course. Seiches from this earthquake were observed in two lakes and three fjords in western Norway. Although usually called the Kansu (now Gansu) earthquake by Western sources, the epicenter and highest intensities are clearly within Ningxia Autonomous Region.

[email protected]
La 16 decembrie 1811 avem inceputul seriei de cutremure catastrofale din zona New Madrid, evenimente care au continuat si in 1812. Au fost cele mai mari cutremure produse in estul Statelor Unite ale Americii, resimtite pe o arie comparativ mai larga decat cea a seismului de la San Francisco din 18 aprilie 1906 (de pe falia San Andreas). Falia din lungul fluviului Mississippi e insa altceva, e mai aparte.

Northeast Arkansas December 16, 1811 - two shocks - Mfa 7.2, MSn 8.5 and Mfa 7.0, MSn 8.0~~Magnitude ~7.2 - 8.1

[email protected]
26 decembrie 2003 cutremur devastator in sud-estul Iranului, zona BAM


Iata ce inseamna un cutremur crustal de magnitudine 6,6.

The earthquake killed more than 26,000 people and affected over 305,000. An approximate of 85% of buildings was destroyed in the city of Bam and surrounding villages, leaving more than 75,000 people without shelter during the ongoing cold weather.

26 decembrie 2004 marele cutremur din Nordul Sumatrei-Andaman, zona insulei Simeulue, cu tsumami catastrofal si efecte pe scara larga in Oceanul Indian si zonele limitrofe


The giant 2004 Sumatra earthquake ruptured the greatest fault length of any recorded earthquake, spanning a distance of 1500 km (900 miles), or longer than the state of California. Rather than tearing the land apart all at once, the rupture started beneath the epicenter marked in the figure below and progressed northward along the fault at about 2 km/sec (1.2 miles/second). The whole rupture lasted about 10 minutes. Compare this with California's 1994 Northridge earthquake, which ruptured about 20 km (12 miles) and lasted 15 seconds.


Observati zona rupta la 26 decembrie 2004, comparativ cu zonele de rupere ale altor cutremure mari din zona Sumatrei.

The portion of the fault that ruptured lies deep in the earth's crust, in places as much as 50 km (31 miles) below the ocean floor. There the two tectonic plates, which had been stuck together, suddenly broke free, the upper plate sliding back upward and to the west by as much as 20 m (65 feet) along the plate boundary.
Astazi se implinesc 5 ani de la cutremurul major produs in zona Dalbandin, sud-vestul Pakistanului, la 18 ianuarie 2011. A fost un cutremur subcrustal generat in zona de subductie Makran dintre placa Arabiei si cea Euro-Asiatica. Cutremurul a avut magnitudinea Mw 7,2 si s-a produs la adancimea de 80 km.
Un alt mare cutremur pe Makran a fost si cel produs in sud-estul Pakistanului, zona Kash-Saravan, la 16 aprilie 2013; evenimentul a fost tot de tip subcrustal, focar la 87 km adancime, iar magnitudinea Mw a fost de 7,8 grade, prin urmare evenimentul poate fi considerat ca cel mai mare produs in Iran in ultimii 40 de ani.

Iata niste informatii sintetice despre cutremurul din 18 ianuarie 2011:


Legat de marile cutremure de pe zona de subductie Makran, in figura de mai jos avem reprezentate zonele de rupere ale unor cutremure mari din ultimele secole, intre care si marele cutremur de magnitudine 8,1 din 28 noiembrie 1945, care a provocat tsunami in nordul Oceanului Indian si Marea Arabiei.


Aici avem pozitia epicentrului cutremurului de la Dalbandin din 18 ianuarie 2011:

Din figura inserata anterior ar rezulta urmatoarea intrebare: ce se poate intampla la capatul vestic al zonei de subductie Makran, undeva aproape de golful Oman ? Exista voci care sugereaza ca zona aia ar fi nerupta de la 1483 sau asa ceva.